This is express cvs setup for SLES( not much different for Unix/Linux varients ):
1. Install the cvs ( binary / compile from source ).
2. Define CVS environment variables in your /etc/profile , if you are root, or edit your own ~/.bashrc file,
if needed, to include the following two lines:
export CVSROOT=/home/cvs
export EDITOR=/bin/vi
If omited the second line, vi will be the editor used by default.
3. If you wish to have files made read-only after
checking them in, define:
bash# export CVSREAD=yes
4. Initialize CVS repository:
bash# cvs -d $CVSROOT init
5. Create a CVS repository on CVS server with appropriate rights:
bash# groupadd cvs
# create cvs group
bash# useradd -g cvs -d $CVSROOT cvs
bash# chgrp -R cvs $CVSROOT
bash# chmod o-rwx $CVSROOT
bash# chmod ug+rwx $CVSROOT
6. Allow selected users to access repository
bash# usermod -G cvs your_user_name
bash# usermod -G cvs some_other_user
B:: As your_Normal_User
7. If environment variables CVSROOT and EDITOR are not defined, you need to set them up yourself. For Linux, in ~/.bashrc define :
export CVSROOT=/home/cvsrep
export EDITOR=/bin/vi
8. First, you may want to export files into the repository. Given you have directory, YourAppDir, with files you want under cvs control.
bash$ newgrp cvs
bash$ cd ~/YourAppDir
bash$ cvs import srcDir vname vrel
This imports all the files in ~/YourAppDir and places them in YourAppDir module under CVS. vname and vrel are vendor name and vendor release ids. They are required, but can be any value, usually related to vendor values (vrel has no relation to the CVS version numbers).
9. You now have your code under CVS. To see that, enter the command:
bash$ ls $CVSROOT/ YourAppDir
Now, you must get your files out:
bash$ cd ~ # recall code is in ~/ YourAppDir
bash$ cvs checkout YourAppDir
This command checks out all the code in CVS module YourAppDir
Since you are in the parent directory containing YourAppDir
the contents of YourAppDir
are overwritten by what is in CVS.
To make the service available to be used:
Under SuSE 9.0 and RedHat 8.0, edit the file /etc/xinitd.d/cvs to contain:
Under SLES 10 edit /etc/xinetd.d/cvs
service cvspserver
server = /usr/bin/cvs
server_args = -f –allow-root=/home/cvsrep pserver
port = 2401 # default
socket_type = stream # default
wait = no # default
user = root # default
passenv = PATH # default
Restart xinetd (need to be root) using:
bash# /etc/init.d/xinetd restart
Usually the configuration is finish here ... check this if yours is not working
Under most Linuxs, insert in /etc/services:
cvspserver 2401/tcp
If not using tcpwrappers, insert in /etc/inetd.conf:
cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/cvs \
-–allow-root=/home/cvsrep pserver
If using tcpwrappers, insert in /etc/inetd.conf:
cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd \
/usr/bin/cvs -–allow-root=/home/cvsrep pserver
Restart inetd as root:
bash# /etc/init.d/inetd restart
That all:: this is minimum configuration to make it work.
Please read the documentations for details.