Thursday, October 9, 2008

Image Cache Problem

Take me hours to googling around. Trying so many header suggestion, none of them work.

Here is my problem:
I have a page that upload picture.
After upload i display the new picture.
The picture name is the same before and after, ( rename the old one with new one ).
The picture on that page still referring to the old picture ....

The solution. Give the image src a random number .... (code it appropritely)

$randomnumber  = time();

<img src=myimage.jpg?$randomnumber >

This work immediatlly...

Centos 7 reset root/ any user lost password / lockout due to cant remember password

1. Need to be in front of the terminal. (Physically if not vm). 2. Reboot the server 3. Press 'e' in the GRUB2 boot screen. 3. bunch...