Dim cnMySql As New rdoConnection
Dim rdoQry As New rdoQuery
Dim rdoRS As rdoResultset
' set up a remote data connection
' using the MySQL ODBC driver.
' change the connect string with your username,
' password, server name and the database you
' wish to connect to.
cnMySql.CursorDriver = rdUseOdbc
cnMySql.Connect = "uid=YourUserName;pw d=YourPassword;
server=YourServerName;&qu ot; & _
"driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};
database=YourDataBase;dsn =;"
' set up a remote data object query
' specifying the SQL statement to run.
With rdoQry
.Name = "selectUsers"
.SQL = "select * from user"
.RowsetSize = 1
Set .ActiveConnection = cnMySql
Set rdoRS = .OpenResultset(
& nbsp; &n bsp; rdOpenKeyset, rdConcurRowVer)
End With
' loop through the record set
' processing the records and fields.
Do Until rdoRS.EOF
With rdoRS
' your code to process the fields
' to access a field called username you would
' reference it like !username
& nbsp; rdoRS.MoveNext
End With
' close record set
' close connection to the database
End Sub